Minangkabau for the Global Community (MGC) is a program initiated by the Minangkabau Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University. This program aims to introduce and teach Minangkabau customary values, culture, and traditions to the world community. MGC is Andalas University’s flagship program held to realize the ideals of Andalas University as stated in its vision of “Becoming a Leading and Dignified University in 2028”.
Minangkabau Literature Study Program was established on September 13, 1985. It is an educational institution at Andalas University that carries out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the field of Minangkabau Literary Studies, which includes language studies, and Minangkabau oral traditions. Until now, Minangkabau Literature Study Program has graduated many bachelors in the field of social humanities. Minangkabau Literature Study Program has also produced research works, intellectual property rights, books, and articles published both in journals and other printed media. The collaboration established by the Minangkabau Literature Study Program, especially with Minangkabau Corner has succeeded in digitizing more than 1.000 manuscripts and other documents, which are currently stored in the Minangkabau Corner database. These old documents are very useful for anyone who wants to know and explore Minangkabau socio-culture.
The collected research results, books, intellectual property rights, articles, and documents were eventually processed and formulated into learning materials that could be applied to be taught to foreign students through the MGC program.