The Objectives of the Minangkabau for the Global Community Summer Course Program are:
- Providing the Minangkabau culture insight to students outside of tertiary institutions, especially foreign students about Minangkabau customs, culture, and traditions.
- Fostering a culture of scientific cross-disciplinary collaboration in a multicultural atmosphere for Andalas University students and foreign students.
- Developing cross-disciplinary programs in superior scientific fields so that they are known by the world community, especially ASEAN, enhancing Andalas University’s reputation and strengthening academic internationalization, including increasing the number of international students who continue their studies and earn degrees at Andalas University, as a part of Andalas University graduate diaspora efforts to disseminate knowledge and Andalas University values.
- Increasing the number of international guest lecturers/researchers who can contribute significantly to the quality of higher education tri dharma activities at Andalas University and can create new strategic collaborations.
- Strengthening Andalas University’s position in cross-disciplinary leading scientific fields about Andalas University’s contribution to science and humanity, in the context of implementing Andalas University’s ideals.
The Benefits of the Minangkabau for the Global Community Summer Course Program are:
- Providing experience to several international students studying at the Minangkabau Literature Study Program, either through a credit transfer system or later becoming international students.
- Increasing the number of international lecturers involved in Tridharma activities in the intended superior scientific field in the Minangkabau Literature Study Program;
- Increasing the number of international collaborations in the fields of education and research in interdisciplinary leading scientific fields;
- Promoting local tourism in West Sumatra.