Minangkabau Folklore

In this topic, participants will be given the understanding and nature of folklore as well as the forms and types of folklore that are spread in Minangkabau.

As an ethnic group, Minangkabau culture contains various interesting and unique forms and types of folklore. Be it in the form of oral folklore, non-oral folklore, or partly oral folklore. One form of Minangkabau native non-oral folklore that is currently worldwide is the traditional Minangkabau food, namely randang (or rendang in Indonesian).

In a release issued by CNN Travel in 2017 about the 50 most delicious foods globally, randang was chosen as the most delicious food beating 49 other types of food around the world. This release is good news for the people of Indonesia and the Minangkabau people in particular. Why is that, this is because randang is one of the Minangkabau specialties which is very iconic and popular. In almost every cultural activity and tradition of the Minangkabau people in various regions, randang is always served with various variants, for example, beef, chicken, eggs, and others.

This program will provide an unforgettable experience for MGC participants, namely knowledge about how to enjoy the best food in the world in a traditional party atmosphere. Eating bajamba is one way for the Minangkabau people to enjoy their special food.

Randang (Photo: Ika Rahma H (Shutterstock)

Credits Equivalence

MeetingDurationStagesTopicsMethodLearning Outcomes
145′BasicIntroduction to ativitiesLectures and discussionsParticipants know the rules of activity and can obey the laws of activity implementation.
245′BasicMaterial introductionLectures and discussions on the meaning of folklore and the scope of folklore science.Participants know the meaning of folklore and the scope of folklore science.
345′BasicForms and types of Minangkabau folkloreLectures and discussions on the forms and types of Minangkabau folklore.Participants know the forms and types of Minangkabau folklore.
445′BasicNon-oral folklore and is rich in Minangkabau culture.Lectures and discussions on non-oral folklore and the rich traditions and culture of Minangkabau.Participants know the form of non-verbal Minangkabau folklore.
545′BasicRandang is a traditional Minangkabau food.Lectures and discussions about randang, one of the riches of the Minangkabau tradition which has been worldwide.Participants know Minangkabau traditional food, its types, and philosophical values.
Exercise/practice processing randang.Exercise/practice processing randang. Selection of ingredients and seasonings, processing of ingredients and seasonings.Participants can process traditional Minangkabau food.
16-18100′AppearanceAppearanceThe practice of eating bajamba.Participants get experience in the tradition of eating bajamba.
1945′EvaluationAssessmentOral/written test
2045′ClosingActivity closingLectures and discussionsParticipants get credit for the activities they participate in.